Friday, May 15, 2009

to watch gossip girl or not to watch gossip girl ..

it's twenty-one past one in the morning right now, and i've been watching gossip girl season two for the past .. two hours or so. i'm telling you, it's freaking addictive. i've been telling myself "after this episode, i'll go to bed" for, well, two hours .. and here i still am, debating whether or not to watch episode ten, or leave myself curious all night and watch it in the morning. well, later on in the morning. so i've decided to write a blog so you can all help me decide what i should do .. go to bed, or watch episode ten ? the choice is yours (haha yes i said that on purpose, because i wanted to sound like one of those weird tv presenter dudes xP)

so i just got back from my school talent show. well, "just" meaning three hours ago. but yeah, you get the point. i was line-dancing to jailhouse rock with like, twenty other girls in my form, and it was very fun. and then at the end we all danced to jai ho, that was really fun too. but yeah, honestly, i never knew just how much TALENT some of the girls in my school have got (: and yes, it finally occured to me why it's called a talent show. don't judge me because i'm slow >.<

anyways, not much else to say really and truly. actually, if i put my mind to it, i'm sure i could think of something else to talk about right now. but yeah, i'm lazy. and my thoughts are occupied with "should i watch more gossip girl?" while another part of my brain goes "well .. no". haha wait, i'll show you the conversation that different areas of my head have been having for the past fifteen minutes (and yes, i swear this is true .. my brain is very weird xP)

part 1 : should chiara watch more gossip girl?
part 2: well .. no
part 1: why not ?
part 2: because chuck might die
part 3: chuck dies !? whattt ?!
part 1: no, chuck doesn't die. you're a silly goose.
part 2: how do you know he doesn't die? you're not watching it are you?
part 1 :you're right, i think i should watch it ..
part 2: no don't
part 3: you're making my head hurt
part 1: you don't have a head. now i'm going to watch gossip girl
part 2: no don't
part 1: you're rude.
part 4: ahh i'm craving the breadsticks i was eating earlier.

waheey, looks like i had something to talk about after all ^^

muchos love,

chi (: x

1 comment:

  1. you are a sad sad person...get off the stupid tv shows and start freaking out about studying
